Let the jokes commence!
In seriousness, my wonderful boyfriend worked his ass off and passed the California State Bar. He's worked harder than anyone I've ever known in my life and he deserves it.
Amongst the celebration last night we discussed the future.
It was nice to reaffirm the plan. The moving plan, the school plan, the life plan.
We could be planted down in LA as soon at June, though hopefully no later than the end of July.
All of a sudden I'm in a bit of a panic.
My car needs work, like, serious work. I have most of my credit cards paid down, I have a few hundred dollars set aside for beginners headshots and classes.
But financially, it just doesn't seem like enough.
So I plan on working like a fiend. And reading everything I can get my hands on until then.
Unfortunately, it seems like everyone I've ever walked past on the street is getting married between now and August. It makes working weekends really difficult.
But this is a time for excitement! And I plan on spending the day with a bottle of champagne.