Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Why is it that today I find myself swamped with work, when yesterday I felt like I had all the time in the world?
My scene's due tonight, which is the only thing I'm remotely prepared for.
I have 28 pages on my screenplay due on Sunday, and a thesis paper due Friday for which I still have no thesis.
I work tomorrow, and picked up shifts on Saturday and Sunday because I'm stockpiling cash for 2011, the year I will make significant progress, or so I tell myself.
And all I want to do is crawl into bed.
And I got s wrapped up in things last night that I forgot Glee was on. 

Also, saw a guy at work reading No Acting Please by Eric Morris and I got a kick out of discussing how awesome but insanely intimidating the man seems to be.
And I didn't realize the time, so I'll probably be late for class now.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Oh classes.....

I'm beginning the search for more classes.  I'm got a lot of people in mind, most based upon friends and research.
The first on my list is Coach Mike and Hey I Saw Your Commercial.  It's selling points are it's ranking (widely considered one of the best) and cheap (Levels 1 and 2 plus a showcase is like 500, combined with a ten dollar materials fee, their additional 4 week confidence class is only 160).  The downside is it seems really pitched.  The videos on the site make me weary, i get that it's a business, but I don't want to be in class feeling like I'm getting pitched. 
The audit costs 25, refundable towards your first class, with a free door prize worth at least 30 bucks if you come a bit early.
I'm also considering Carolyn Barry.  her school seems to be highly regarded, the only downside is that she seems to be the least popular teacher there.  She has a twelve week beginners class (one for commercial acting and one for audition, it seems) that's just under 500 each. She has an eight week Intro to Commercials for 445 and a I hear that class is sometimes held in her house, with her dogs.  On one side this seems comfy and flattering, that she'd let her students in her home, on the other I picture every neurotic mom I've ever met and a lot of people seem to describe her that way.  then again, maybe they're the kind of people who put their feet up on other's coffee tables.
Killian McHugh seems to be in close to equal ranking with Hey I Saw Your Commercial.  He has a four week Audition technique class that's 300, but only runs an hour and a half versus the norm of 3 hours plus.  He seems like able, and tapes the last class, sending it out to agents.
The there's Doug Warhit who seems to be ranked a bit lower on the scale of what's good on a resume, but highly ranked by students. 
Brian Reise has what's regarded as an amazing on camera cold read and audition class.  It's fairly inexpensive, 200 a month, but I'm unclear on how long it runs.  I like that's he's trained some of the best but doesn't feel the need to brag.

So those are for the first branch I'm considering, basically geared towards commercial work.  That still leaves so  much, scene study, improv (which I'm horrible at, and therefor hate), technique, etc. 
Now my head hurts.

Monday, October 25, 2010

It's kind of like a first date....

My first blog here.  Im a bit nervous, to be honest.
So, for those of you who haven't read my previous blog (it only had a total of 34 views in it's lifetime, so that's the whole world), I'm setting myself on a career path.
This career path is bound to be littered with carnage.  I'm guaranteed weeks worth of self doubt and basic poverty for the foreseeable future.  Why?  Because I want to be an actress.
I have wanted to be an actress, professionally, since I was twelve.  Which doesn't mean anything.  I'm sure a good percentage of kids dream about the bright lights of Hollywood.
But now i'm 24, and still dreaming.
It's been easy to put off over the last three years or so.  I was always waiting on the right photographer, the right headshot, the right location.  The fact is, these are all excuses and they're all getting me nowhere. 
I have four friends who are actively pursuing a career as actors.  I have another two friends who are doing the same, yet not as actively. 
last week one of my more active friends signed with Malaky International.   I'm happy for her.  I really am, but I'm even more jealous.
I can't fault her, she worked hard for five years.  She took classes, joined troupes and self submitted for student film after student film.
And now she has an agent.  I have none.
So what do i have?  I have two regional commercials as a kid, half a dozen theater credits, a cable access appearance (which i pray never sees the light of day), a touch of voice training, a couple years of dance, and i'm ten weeks deep into a six week fundamentals class.
So basically, I'm as green as the grass on the other side.
I also have goals.  I'm 140 pounds thanks to a broken toe and a love of junk food.  I;m 5'7", so I'm hoping to get down into the 120's by the new year.  I'm also a good 1500 in debt, which I'm working towards paying down so I can replace the balances with charges for headshots and classes. 

So that's me.  
So now, what do I want to accomplish?  Well, Ideally I'd like to be Julia Roberts. 
Realistically, I'd like to have a few classes and student films under my belt, plus a commercial agent by my 25th birthday.  Which is in August.
I am fully aware that this is impossible, but If I don't have something I want to work towards, I wont work at all.