Thursday, December 2, 2010


The stress is almost over.
In less than a week I'll be done with the semester.
I'm freaking out less over my research paper.  Although I do have a recurring dream where I get popped for plagiarism because i somehow write a paper that's already been written by someone else. 
My finished script is due Sunday.  I have a few days to write the last act.  I don't think it'll be difficult, per se.  After all, the third act should basically write it's self with all the tying up for the most part.  I am however agonising over giving it a title.  Every week my teacher asked me if I have one and he gets more an more annoyed at Untitled Fall Semester.  My final scene is coming around nicely.  My scene partner is  bit of a flake though.  He's impossible to nail down and late all the time.  when I spend the time to BOOK a place, it would be nice if he showed up.  After all he lives like two blocks away, i commute thirty miles and somehow make it on time.  he's also one of those who thinks he knows everything.  He misuses gargin all the time and constantly refers to our silent scenes as monologues, which they're obviously not, as no one speaks.  Writing about it is making me more frustrated!
Tomorrow's payday.  That's nice.  Date night with the Lawyer BF, who didn't pass the bar, so now is going back underground for three months to study.  He's taking it pretty well.
I've decided to scrap the review process on books and simple say if I think they're crucial.  I'll edit the list from before as I read through them.
I'm planning on booking headshots for the third week of January.  I've got all my appointments (dentist, optometrist, doctor, hearing tech) for the first and second week, so my third week should be clear because the first week of school is never that hard.
I'm feeling kind of sickly.  Not a good sign.  Back to the grind.....

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