Tuesday, January 18, 2011

SBIFF? Yes Please!

The Santa Barbara International Film Festival starts next week.
I love SBIFF.  Aside from being in my kind of home town, it requires next to no travel, and I get free room and board from my parents!
I also love the way they do the tickets.  they sell individual packages, with only the super expensive garunteeing seats, the rest come as first come first serve seats.
The screenings are set up either at the Lobero (where most of the big-ticket films will be), the Arlington (anything that has to do with the extreeme schmoozing) and the Metro 4's four screens get taken over.
Why do I love this?  because I have connections at the Metro 4.  Which means I have a close-to-basic garauntee to get into any film I want as long as a) everyone and their grandmother doesn't buy the really expensive garunteed seats, which usually only about a quarter do, and b) i still have tickets left from my mini-pack.  I'm also thinking about investing in tickets to the writers panel.  We'll see.
I'm excited!
I have THIRTY PAGES left to proof to have my screenplay finished.  That's it!  Unfortunately, I'm out of paper, so until I get out and get more, I'm kind of stuck where I am.
Today was a good day.  I made a lot of script progress, got books for next semmester, visited my grandfather and great-grandparents at the cemetary, and spend a whole two hours with the Lawyer BF.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a very full, but rewarding day.
    Have fun at the festival!
